Starbucks Sunrise Blonde blend
Happy New Year! Er… I know I am a little bit late to the party here. The new wordpress update threw me for a loop, and I was just so frustrated with it, I didn’t want to deal with it. Thankfully, tonight I stumbled across the classic editor plugin.. Hallelujah! Now that things are back to “normal”, I am ready to dive back in to the blogging world.
Now, I normally hate blogs that have some long ass, semi related story, and I really try not to do that here. Just show me some pretty pictures and give me a recipe, right?! Well, I do have a little story to tell you. A few months ago, I decided to temporarily switch to a vegan diet. This diet is also modeled off of the whole30, so many things are off limits, including alcohol and sugar. So, if you know me personally, you know this has been a challenge. So much so that it also contributed why I kind of stopped writing here. I am happy to report that switching to vegan has been one of the best things for me, and while I am currently “mostly vegan”, I do try to be as plant based as possible. Does that mean that all of my recipes will be vegan? No, but you will see more vegan options from here on out. OK, can we please talk about the coffee now?…